Monday, September 6, 2010

Miss it/Love it

After almost three weeks in Honduras I have encountered things that I love...but also things that I miss.
Things I miss:
-My family and friends (of course)
-Being able to drive where I want to go (surprising)
-Showers with warm water
-Being able to eat food from wherever it is sold
-Being able to drink water from the faucet
-Being able to throw toilet paper in the toilet
-Walking somewhere and not getting hit on by various men
-Sweet things-like homemade cookies
-Fall and fresh apples from a tree as well as apple cider

Despite missing many things from home...I LOVE a lot of things here

Things I love:
-My family and friends (of course)
-Not having to drive on these crazy roads and in crazy traffic
-Warm weather
-The rain that cools the hot afternoon air
-The food! all of it! Especially beans and avocados!
-My professors and classes
-Being hit on wherever I go by various men
-When all the traffic in the street stops so that you and your gringa friends can cross safely
-Public transportation
-The dances

Honduras is wonderful. We started classes today and of course it will be a lot of work (not unlike Calvin) but it will be worth it. I'm so glad to be here. So far it has been an incredible experience.
I hope you all are doing well. Pictures and possibly videos to come...

1 comment:

  1. Allie!
    Sounds like you are having a great time! I cannot wait to hear all about it when you get back :)
    Praying God uses you in awesome ways :)
